In the hotel - Erotic stories

Original erotic short stories on a topic In the hotel you won't find anywhere else. Read descriptions of incredible real-life experiences or be inspired by the wildest fantasies. New content is added to the category In the hotel every day.

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Sex in Riga

author: Daddy_7d 4 months ago 0 452 1

I finally found someone on tinder that was interested in fwb. We had some common hobbies but the most important were sex, traveling & aviation. After having sex at my place for like 2 months we decided to have our first trip abroad. A one night trip to Riga. We went there just for one night and came back the day after. We meet at the airport and we had our seats next to each other. It was an…


author: Nezbednici1234 4 months ago 3 780 15

Bola sobota ráno,zobúdzam sa a prvé čo urobím pozriem či mi písal môj miláčik,jasné že písal 🤭 -Dobré ránko,vyspinkaná?? Tešíš sa na dnešný výlet? -Dobré ránečko,odpisujem,áno teším sa veľmi 😘 Dohodli sme sa že pôjdeme na víkend do Tatier. Zbalená som,už len počkám na môjho pána,kedy si príde po mňa. Nemôžem sa už dočkať 🤤 Pípla mi správa: som tu! Prichádzam do auta,dávam mu pusu a oznamuje mi…