There is an issue with uploading photos

If you fail to upload a content, we will be happy to help you, but we need to specify your problem from you. If possible, you can also send us a screenshot with a warning that is displayed when you try to upload the gallery.

To upload photos it is first necessary to create an album by clicking on the "Add Album" icon in the "My Photo" section in the user menu. Then just open the created album and click on the "Upload Photos" icon. After uploading the photos, send an album for approval. If it is still not possible to upload photos, please send us a screenshot with a warning that you will see.

It is also important to check that your album meets all the rules for creating the album and its content. You can find the terms of content recording here: If your album meets all the criteria and you still have a problem with uploading, check that you have an updated web browser or the latest version of our application.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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